The topography of tears and humanity

Photographer Rose-Lynn Fisher completed a moving and beautiful project analysing 100 different tear drops under a standard microscope. A project that was motivated by Ms Fisher's personal experience of grief, change and hope - I feel this illustrates the profound universal humanity of these experiences.

We don't want to pathologize human suffering and at the same time we don't want to over-emphasize the pursuit of constant happiness. We need to make space for the dark as well as the light. 

"It's as though each of one of our tears carries a microcosm of the collective human experience" (Topography of Tears: Rose-Lynn Fisher).


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About the project on Wired Magazine

About the project on the New Yorker

About Rose-Lynn Fisher

Tears of grief © 2013 Rose-Lynn Fisher

Tears of change © 2013 Rose-Lynn Fisher

Tears of laughing till I'm crying © 2013 Rose-Lynn Fisher
