Training —

The depth of face to face therapy. In your location; in your time zone.

It is not unusual to feel a little hesitant about starting Telehealth or Online Therapy. However, there is substantial research to show that, when done well, a strong therapy relationship is just as likely to be formed in Online Therapy as it is in traditional face to face therapy. Some clients have even reported that they prefer the convenience and intimacy of Online Therapy.

An assessment is conducted to determine if your life issues are suited for online therapy. Great care is taken to ensure that you feel supported eventhough you are only stepping into a "virtual" therapy room rather than a physical one. At we provide therapy via the platform Zoom.

Dr Xi Liu is passionate about improving access in mental health services for rural and hard to reach clients; as well as those in urban areas who are unable to find appropriate services. Xi is dedicated to adapting the supportive and attuned face to face therapy space into the Online Therapy and Telehealth environment.

Xi hosts a monthly Special Interest Group with the International Society for Schema Therapy in the area of Online Therapy and Telehealth. Xi has presented in the International Society for Schema Therapy conferences and the Black Dog Institute on the practical and clinical issues relating to offering Schema Therapy and emotions related therapies online.

Online Therapy and Telehealth training for mental health workers

Online Therapy training for mental health workers teach skills on how to orient clients to the online environment. Beyond technical expertise, therapists must also understand how they can emotionally and physically connect with clients despite the physical distance - this can be done through adjusting the therapist’s presence and by engaging with the technological medium. When done well, the research indicates that therapeutic rapport is just as strong in Online Therapy as it is in Face to Face therapy.

Online Therapy Training Bio

Dr Xi Liu is a Sydney based Clinical Psychologist who delivers face to face therapy from their practice in Newtown, as well as working online with clients across five continents. Xi developed Breaking the Virtual Wall: Therapeutic Skills in Telehealth and Online Therapy, the primary Telehealth training for Clinical Psychology Masters program at University of New South Wales, University of New England and Australian Catholic University. This was also delivered as a webinar to the Australian Clinical Psychology Association. Xi’s Telehealth resources are used across private practices worldwide.

Xi is the Chair of the Online Schema Therapy Special Interest Group and has presented at symposiums at the International Society for Schema Therapy Conference in Amsterdam and Rome on adapting Schema Therapy for Online Treatment. Xi has also presented on the topic of Digital Technologies in Mental Health at the Black Dog Institute in Australia. Xi also has a Masters in Organisational Psychology and worked in User Experience Design, Data Management and Website Design in the Corporate and Not for Profit Sector.

If you are interested in seeking training for your organisation, please contact

Media and publications

Schema Therapy Training - Australia

Podcast: What’s the Schemata - Schema Therapy trainer Dr Rob Brockman and Dr Xi Liu

Rob speaks with Xi Liu (Advanced Schema Therapist, Sydney Australia) about how we can work with schema therapy in an on line environment

Black Dog Institute

Podcast: Incorporating Digital Technology and Mental Health - Expert Insights forum for health professionals

Digital technology is fast emerging as the new frontier in healthcare, with major strides being made in the intervention and prevention of mental illness. This development has been used to improve accessibility to support for the client as well as mental health practitioner in their professional practice.

This podcast explores the various ways that digital technology have been incorporated into the field of mental health to the benefit of everyone involved

Panel members
Amy Hargrave: Lived Experience Representative
Dr Xi Liu: Clinical Psychologist
Dr Jan Orman: GP Services Consultant, Black Dog Institute
Dr Jill Newby: Senior Lecturer & MRFF Career Development Fellow



No. 1 Getting Started: Introduction to using videoconferencing tools for therapy

Dates: there are no new dates at this point. Please send us an enquiry if you are interested in attending.


  • Getting started with online therapy

  • Setting up camera and room for optimal engagement

  • Security and ethical issues 

  • Helping your clients feel comfortable with videoconferencing

  • Experiential strategies to improve therapeutic alliance

This webinar counts as 1 hour PD. 

Cost: $80 AUD per attendee

50% of profit will go to charities representing folks affected by the Covid 19 crisis. We will donate to a different charity each week.

Length: 1 hour (45 minutes presentation with 15 minutes for questions)


No. 2 Adapting schema therapy strategies to the online environment

Dates: there are no new dates at this point. Please send us an enquiry if you are interested in attending.


  • Setting up the Therapy Frame in Online Therapy 

  • Managing mode activation online: dealing with mistrust, abandonment and detachment

  • Easing clients into online therapy 

  • Imagery Rescripting online

  • Chairwork and mode dialogues online

This webinar counts as 2 hour PD. 

Cost: $130 AUD

50% of profit will go to charities representing folks affected by the Covid 19 crisis. We will donate to a different charity each week.

Length: 2 hours (15 minutes for questions and 30 minutes for demonstrations and role plays) 

Please register your interest below and receive email updates of upcoming trainings. Or contact us directly to organise Online Therapy training for your workplace.